A Brief Update

Hello peeps,

I hope you’ve been behaving yourselves. This is the time of year when I pay for my annual webhosting and think “I really should do something on DesertOfZin to justify the cost”. Ha!

Is everyone well?

I hope so.

I had my first of my Covid-19 jabs at the beginning of March. That is exciting. And the schools are back, which is great for the daughter (although they’re off for the Easter holidays right now.)

It is weird that my wife, the Computing Science teacher, hasn’t yet had her first vaccination. You’d think, with the rush to get the children back to school, the teachers would be high on the list of essential workers. Obviously not.

And here in Scotland our Tier 4 lock down is slowly coming to an end. On Monday past more shops and businesses opened with the rest, hopefully, seeeing another positive change come April 26th. As with everything, time will tell.

Anyway, stay safe.

365 Days of Writing – Day Two

It was my 45th birthday yesterday. And I set myself a mad, unattainable goal for the full 365 days that I’ll be 45. I’ll write something every day, to keep my hand in, and make myself a bit more focused.

Lockdown has been easing in Scotland, and the ladies of Casa Desertofzin are back at work/school so the days are a lot more peaceful. I have time, is what I’m saying, for an small daily project until I’m back at work.

I didn’t post yesterday but Day One had me writing some notes on a story for a Black Library submission window. It’s for the Warhammer Horror imprint, a few novels and short story collections of which I’ve read and been really impressed by.

So, that was yesterday, typing out some ideas, a character or two, and trying to get the feel of it down.

Today, Day Two, I’m building on that. Trying to get a more solid foundation for the story to sit on. If I’m happy with my progress I might try to throw down actual words.

Some happy memories, and Headswim

I’m up late tonight, scribbling down some notes for the novel, and I’ve got some Headswim playing in the background.

Headswim you say? One of the best bands you’ve never hear of.

Pardon me for getting all introspective here.

I first saw Headswim at the Cathouse in Glasgow, when the Cathouse was at it’s previous location. If it remember correctly, and I probably don’t, they were on a three band bill with Tool headlining and, for reasons I can’t remember either, they couldn’t play that night.

It ended up that there was barely a dozen folk there that night to see the other two bands. My friends and I stuck it out and, after the gig when everyone decanted to the open club downstairs, we hung out with Headswim. They were really great guys, and it was a great night.

I’m not sure if this is the “Lockdown” talking but I miss things, like going to a gig and hanging with the band after. Getting drunk with pals and acting like a bit of an idiot. I understand that being a husband and father means that I have to adopt a responsible attitude but it’s not like Ruth doesn’t champion any social thing I get around to doing.

And something odd seems to be happening to my social anxiety at the moment. I’ll ponder and update you later. Thanks for listening, internet.