Ghostland – NaNoWriMo 2020

Howdy, folks.

In recent years I’ve been dodging NaNoWriMo as I’ve not really seen its worth, or not worthwhile for me, at least. (NaNoWriMo, for those who don’t know, is National Novel Writing Month. A challenge to write a 50,000 word novel, or 50k words of a novel, through the month of November. I successfully finished it, I think, in 2008.) And that was my intention for 2020.

But, as is the case sometimes, I have a story idea that I just can’t shift.

It came as a title.


I think, if I remember correctly, that I was looking at ghost story novels and collections, and the title popped into my head. I had no inkling that it was going to be a working title of anything. That happened over the course of a few days.

And then I thought to myself, “Maybe I should try NaNoWriMo this year?”

So, there we are. 🙂

And the tinkering with story ideas and doing some writing fits nicely with 356 Days Of Writing. More on that later.


365 Days of Writing – Day Two

It was my 45th birthday yesterday. And I set myself a mad, unattainable goal for the full 365 days that I’ll be 45. I’ll write something every day, to keep my hand in, and make myself a bit more focused.

Lockdown has been easing in Scotland, and the ladies of Casa Desertofzin are back at work/school so the days are a lot more peaceful. I have time, is what I’m saying, for an small daily project until I’m back at work.

I didn’t post yesterday but Day One had me writing some notes on a story for a Black Library submission window. It’s for the Warhammer Horror imprint, a few novels and short story collections of which I’ve read and been really impressed by.

So, that was yesterday, typing out some ideas, a character or two, and trying to get the feel of it down.

Today, Day Two, I’m building on that. Trying to get a more solid foundation for the story to sit on. If I’m happy with my progress I might try to throw down actual words.